Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day Off

Hip flexor and throat soreness returns. Frustrating, but I am trying to focus on rest and feeling good for the next two weeks until I have a real training plan.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Amherst Trails

Time: 52:25
Distance: 7.5

I was finally feeling decent and ready to sweat it out. It has been annoying to be in Amherst the last few days and not get in a good run, so I went right to some of the trails around the Bike Path and Amherst College. I even jumped in the river near Stanley Street.

I was feeling very positive and my lungs weren't too congested, which was nice. My left hip flexor was again worse than I would've liked it, but I did stretch it out well after the run. I'm assuming everything is no faster than 7:00 right now. I timed the first mile in months for the last bit of this run and (admittedly picking up the pace a little bit) ran just under 6:30.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day Off

Still sick.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day Off

Sick again. Lame.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ten Miles

Time: 67:45
Distance: 10 mi.

I ran by my new digs at Brookings on Massachusetts Avenue near Dupont

Back at it and feeling positive. My left hip flexor was more sore than I would've liked, but I was happy overall. I ran down through Rock Creek Park and popped out in the city to run through Dupont Circle and back up Florida and 16th Ave. In order to get a full 10 miles, which was my goal for the run, I added on a bit to Spring Road.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day Off

A torrential downpour and lightning storm took me out of the game for the one time I would have been able to run today. I did get in a good massage with Terrel Hale, though, which will hopefully help my lingering hip flexor (and hamstring) issues.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Zoo Loop

Time: 40:00
Distance: 5.75 mi.

Easy morning run with Max and Pat Murphy looping through Rock Creek Park and the Zoo. Hip flexor tight by the end.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week In Review

Time: 175:00
Distance: 25 mi.

Three good runs, but a sandbagged week due to being sick. While my right hamstring feels generally good these days, my left hip flexor is a bit of a drag.

Glover Trails

Time: 62:30
Distance: 9 mi.

Easy run in the Glover trails from George's house. The trails were a little bit sloppy, but we got in a decent effort. And I raced George at the end... We're still waiting for the determination from FAT timing.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

RCP South

Time: 49:24
Distance: 7 mi.

Easy morning run down Florida Ave. to southern RCP and back through the park with Ben Clark and his friend Jeff. I was a bit tired from a long week, but it was good to have company. Good brunch afterwards.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Day Off

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Easy City Loop

Time: 63:00
Distance: 9 mi.

Evening run with Peaches, Ozzie and Ben Clark. We looped around a bit through the city, ending up on east U St. and ran back through Shaw and up to Petworth.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day Off

Hopefully back tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day Off

Still sick.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day Off

Jetlagged and getting sick.