Sunday, April 27, 2008

Oklahoma City Half Marathon

Time: 90:00
Distance: 16 mi.

Target: Would like to be under the course record of 69:08, shooting for 5:15s (~68:45)
Race: Third place, 71:11. Running decent until ~10 miles, when I got a bad side cramp.

Near 3 miles and the finish. Ouch.

Fun experience overall, but the result was fairly disappointing. It was a bizarre morning to start off with, as it was near freezing and raining when we got up, and the race started at 6:30 in the morning. I felt fairly good to start off, going out under 5:00 and then settling in with some miles in 5:15 to 5:20 into the cold Oklahoma wind. I ran with Bernard through about 10k and then he started to pull away. I was in an okay place through about 10 miles, but then got a really bad side cramp that required even stopping to try to massage it out. There was no coming back from it, though, and I pretty much packed it in as I really couldn't breathe at all. I got beat in the last stretch. Terrible.

Didn't even consider cooling down. It's time to rest and do school for a few weeks.

More: race site, full results

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