Thursday, July 31, 2008

Echo Hill Loop

Time: 35:06
Distance: 5 mi.

Easy afternoon run around Echo Hill. I saved a baby snapping turtle which was destined to be squashed in the road. It is very humid.

Groff Park, AC Trails Loop

Time: 51:38
Distance: 7 mi.

Easy morning run out the bike path to the Misty Bottom trail and Groff Park, back to the Amherst College trails.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pelham Hills, North Valley

Time: 99:00
Distance: 14 mi.
Map (approximate)

This is about as hilly of a run as I could've done. I'm not sure exactly why I chose that, as my legs were sore from the workout on hills yesterday, but it's a fairly nice loop. In under an hour (~8 miles) I climbed about 850 feet. My legs were fairly tired on the way down. And I was dehydrated.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pratt Corner Speed Play

Time: 81:00
Distance: 12.5 mi.
Map (approximate)

Target: 8 x 3:00 sub-5:00 effort, 1:00 rest
Workout: hit it pretty well, but rest after 4 was much longer as I had to hit the woods

I started at Puffer's and got in 25 minutes of warmup on Market Hill and Cushman to Pratt Corner. The first half of the farlek was almost completely uphill and I was working pretty hard. Due to an ill-timed snack this afternoon I started getting a side stitch and had to stop to hit the woods after four intervals before I turned back down the hill. Running down wasn't quite as aerobically taxing, even though I was running hard, but I think my legs got a pretty good workout.

I had some mild workout stomach afterwards. I should really stop putting runs off to the afternoon when I have nothing to do all day.

Marine Corps Marathon

Runners crossing the Potomac in the 2007 Marine Corps Marathon

I entered the Marine Corps Marathon today, which takes place October 26, 2008. That is 89 days from now. By this weekend I hope to have a training plan. Maybe I can recruit a coach? Maybe Jordan can stay healthy? Maybe Jilane and Meagan won't find a way to sabotage us? Only time will tell...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Echo Hill Loop

Time: 45:00
Distance: 6 mi.

Slow morning run around Echo Hill. Legs feel pretty shot and I'm tired. I haven't been sleeping well. I put off and then gave up on the second run of the day.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week in Review

Time: 510:45
Distance: 75.25 mi.

Decent milage for 6 days, and two fairly good efforts. Next week I should hit mid-80s which is my goal milage for the moment.

Moody Bridge, Bike Path Loop

Time: 105:42
Distance: 16.75

Bridge over the bike path near Amherst College

Looking to get going with more steady-paced long runs I did a loop that included 7 miles back towards the house on the Amherst Rail Trail bike path. To get out there I ran out on Moody Bridge Road to Bay Road and across Route 9. I was shooting to connect with the bike path on West Street, but went one road early by accident and had to head up Route 9 one block to get to the right spot. I thought there were mile markers all the way out on the bike path, but could only find the last three. Once I turned onto the bike path I also tried out eating a Clif Shot Gel packet over the course of about 5 minutes, which went surprisingly well.

The first part of the run, to the bike path, was 8+ miles averaging 6:32 pace. The second part on the bike path, exactly 7.0 miles, was 6:04 pace (last three miles in 5:58, 5:56, 5:49). Finally I jogged up the steep hill on Station Road and finished the last mile in Amherst Woods under 6:10.

Also, Jilane sent me a LetsRun thread with some Duckberg All-Stars shout-outs.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rosen Loop

Time: 64:26
Distance: 10 mi.

Morning run backwards on the standard Rosen Loop with a half mile add-on at the end to hit 10 miles. I tried to get the pace going a little bit more than I have been recently on this relatively hilly run and ended up running the last few miles at 6:15 down to 5:50ish pace.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mt. Toby

Time: 98:26
Distance: 13 mi.

The view south of Mt. Toby from the top of the fire tower

I picked up Nick and we headed up to Mt. Toby in Sunderland/Montague/Leverett, MA. It is the highest peak in the Pioneer Valley, at 1269 feet. There is actually a race up and down the mountain, somehow making a 14 mile loop. I should have found out what that was before we headed out, but instead we ran somewhat aimlessly. We took the shortest way straight up to the top, which took 18:00 and was no more than 2 miles. We couldn't resist climbing the fire tower at the top to get the view of the area, ranging past Amherst and all the way to the Berkshires. After that we took a longer switchback trail back down which took just shy of 30 minutes and got us back to the start. We then did a different loop to the north of the peak and came back part of the way on the road. We were never really moving very fast (despite the good effort on the hills), and it ended up being a somewhat disjointed run as we tried to figure out where we were and where we should be going, but it was good to be out there on my feet for that long.

It was a beautiful day. I have seasonal affective disorder.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

5 Mile Tempo

Time: 63:30
Distance: 10 mi.

Target: 5 mile tempo under 5:30 pace (27:00)
Workout: a very approximate 5 miles in 27:13

I chose to do the tempo on a 1.6 mile road loop that goes around the UMass football field. Three laps would be 4.8 miles and then I could add on about 60 seconds for the last 0.2 mi. Close enough for my needs these days. I measured the loop only to find that since these satellite pictures have been taken UMass put in a new track on the northeast corner and the loop has changed somewhat. It is not easy to say exactly how much but it seems at least a little bit longer, so I don't have a great way to judge this effort. In addition, there was a tree across the road in one part that I had to run around, adding ~4 seconds? each loop.

Whatever... it was a good longish effort in the pouring rain. I was going to double, but being soaked led to some chafing issues that should be rested.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Leverett Loop

Time: 86:00
Distance: 12 mi.

Easy recovery run with Nick, who is back in town for a couple of days. I'm still a little sore from Saturday, but still wanted to get some volume in. Nick is preparing for an early October marathon (Twin Cities) so he was down. We took a pretty standard loop through North Amherst and Leverett, past Atkins Reservoir and up on January Hills Road.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Eastman Trails

Time: 41:04
Distance: 6 mi.

After a long drive back from DC I stopped straight-off at Puffer's Pond to do a double trail run. I was hoping to find what I remembered to be a decent network of trails up there, but I kept hitting dead ends. I know that it must go through, because somewhere it connects all the way to Mt. Toby. It didn't help that a few sections were overgrown with tall grass that was shredding my legs, and that it was absolutely pouring. I jumped in Puffer's after the run.

Archibald-Glover Trails

Time: 51:21
Distance: 7.5 mi.

Steps near the beginning of the Archibald-Glover Trail

Early morning run from Jilane's summer place at Massachusetts and Wisconsin NW. She took me to the Archibald-Glover trail that leads down to Georgetown and the Capitol Crescent Trail. I ran the length of the trail I only ran a few minutes on the paved Capitol Crescent Trail before turning back.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Day Off

Day off in DC.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week in Review

Time: 456:30
Distance: 68 mi.

A few miles shy of 70, which is what I was shooting for, but overall a good week of training. The extra couple of miles would have been taken care of with a longer Sunday run, which I will get back on next week. Hell, maybe Jordan can just take care of both of our long runs too... he got in two this week. I liked getting back into hard efforts with Saturday's "race" and am feeling much better on runs in general.

Rock Creek Park: Western Ridge Trail

Time: 80:00
Distance: 12 mi.

Easy Sunday morning run in Rock Creek Park from Pierce Mill. Very nice to get back on the trails there and catch up with Steve. He seems excited about the upcoming season, something I very much miss. We were shooting for about 70 minutes--I wasn't game for a long run in this weather after staying up a bit late the last few nights--but I messed up the loop a bit. I've got some decent soreness, particularly in my calves, from last night, and I only imagine it is going to get worse.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Let's Get Dangerous

Time: 40:00
Distance: 6.5 mi.

Target: 5 mile tempo in 5:30s or faster; don't lose to any women (pretty awesome, huh?)
Race/workout: 5:33, 5:30, 5:26, 5:28, 4:59 (26:56)

I went down to DC for the weekend and on Saturday evening headed out to the Rockville Twilight 8k near the Stern's house. I--as Darkwing Duck--ran the first few miles with Ben "Sir Quackley McDuck" Stern and then kept on the pace as he dropped back a bit. I didn't really prepare for this mentally or physically, illustrated by the 12ish minute warmup with the whole Duckberg All-Stars team, lack of any stretching, and starting a few rows back. I had stomach issues from about 1/2 mile into the effort and got blisters about half way through the race, but overall it was probably good to do this. Also, they had very nice complimentary refreshments afterwards.

I finished in 25th and while crossing the line after the first woman but (because the times are listed as chip times, rather than gun times) I beat her in the results.

6. 159:09 DUCKBURG ALL-STARS (31:50)
1 26:56 Darkwing Duck M 23
2 28:50 Sir Quackly McDuck M 23 (Ben Stern)
3 33:22 Dewey Duck F 23 (Jilane Rodgers)
4 34:17 Flintheart Glomgold M 23 (Christian Tabib)
5 35:44 Miss Emily Quackfaste F 23 (Kelly Powell)

Results and more are over at RunWashington. More on Darkwing Duck at Wikipedia and YouTube.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Amherst Loop

Time: 71:30
Distance: 10.5 mi.

Fields near the Amherst College trails

I made a pretty good loop through Amherst College and the center of Amherst. The run started on the bike path and went out the Misty Bottom trail to Groff Park and up RT-116. I cut back to the bike path near Amherst College, ran through the campus and then around the center of town and the high school. I came back to the Amherst College trails on Dickinson Street. After messing them up a little bit, I popped out on South East Street and came back via Wentworth Farm.

Overall it was a good run. The top of my left foot is a bit sore, but not too bad.

Originally I was going to do a medium-hard effort, either a tempo or steady run today, but I have been recruited to a 8k in Maryland tomorrow, which will take care of that.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Three Town Loop, Kestrel

Time: 41:30
Distance: 6 mi.

Recovery day after two medium-long days (relative to what I have been running) and a hard day. My legs were stiff and I am tired.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

South By North East

Time: 81:40
Distance: 12 mi.

I was feeling beat again in the morning so I put this run off to the afternoon, and considered taking the day off entirely. Once I got going I felt okay and it was very nice out, particularly in the woods.

This is a pretty good loop that goes from South East St. (via the bike path) to North East St., past Strong St. through Amethyst Brook near Mt. Orient, and back through the Echo Hill trails. Depending on exactly which trails in Echo Hill and Amethyst I take this could be +/- 5 minutes. This time I missed the trail I was looking for near the beginning, but still made it down fine. There are a lot more trails in this area since they've been logging.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Amherst College Hills

Time: 54:00 
Distance: 8.25 mi.

Target: 8-12 relatively short intervals with 100% jogging rest
Workout: 8 x 325m(?) hills with consistent effort and keeping the jog at a decent tempo; ran 73 (85), 72 (83), 71 (88), 75 (87), 72 (86), 73 (88), 73 (87), 69

I'm trying to get back into a harder effort / workout schedule, which means shorter faster efforts (exaggerated strides, at this point) on Tuesdays and hopefully steady state runs on Fridays or Saturdays. I started out the door thinking I was going to do something like a 30/30 (30 sec hard, 30 sec easy) fartlek. When I was getting close to starting and approached the hill near the Amherst College trails just off South East Street, I decided to give myself some sort of tangible goal and do some hill repeats.

The hill starts flat, gets steep, then gets flat again, which I knew from running it during distance runs many times. I had no idea how far it would be, but after running the first hill in 73 sec., I decided to try to keep them all under 75 with no more than 90 seconds for the downhill. I was hurting pretty quickly but got through it, despite not recovering very quickly. I need base base base.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Puffer's Pond-Mt. Orient Loop

Time: 88:00
Distance: 13 mi.

The view towards Amherst from the outlook on Mt. Orient

I'm still fighting through the jetlag a bit, so I've avoided running in the morning when it has been taking me a little while to wake up. Whenever I'm not highly motivated I tend to need to find some trails to get myself going. The ABC trail that leads to the Robert Frost Trail in this section is very nice, especially as it gets towards Atkins Reservoir and heads into Amethyst Brook. I was trying to do a loop, rather than going out and back like I did the last time I was out there. I knew that I was getting in over the 60-70 minutes I was shooting for, but I knew the trail connected somewhere around the west side of Mt. Orient. I so I kept heading out. Once I found it I headed back over the top of the mountain and then back most of the way that I had come. It is hard to judge pace out there... on the steep technical stuff it is hard to go too fast, on the downhills it is easy to fly.

I didn't get out there until a little after 7pm, so I was racing the sunlight a little bit on my way back in. Unlike what would've happened in Alaska, the sun won and I had to cut onto the road for the last little bit where I could see where I was going. Total on the soft surface was at least 12 miles.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week of July 7 - July 13

Time: 186:45
Distance: 27.5 mi.

Brian and Owen Hanley descending along a creek bed

My second week in Alaska did not net much more running than the first. I got just one run in when we were in Fairbanks, but it was both mentally and physically refreshing. Brian and I ran about 10 miles (67:30) on some cross country ski trails which were also used for high school cross country running races in Fairbanks. I was feeling pretty tired and facing a 1:00 AM redeye flight out, but Brian got me out the door and before too long we were nearly racing through a nice warm day which quickly turned into cold Alaska summer rain.

While in Alaska I did get in another good week of exercise, though, including very active (sometimes running and sliding on snowfields, sometimes climbing rocks hand-over-foot) two and a half and three and a half hour hikes. Hiking with people who are very fit--I was with Brian, Ian and Brian's brother Owen, who was until recently a professional cross country skiier--makes excursions very fun.

Once I got back to Amherst late on Friday I fought through the jetlag to get in two weekend runs to prepare for my resumption of "real" training next week. On Saturday, Taylor and I went for a 7 mile run (49:35) in the afternoon mostly on the trails in Echo Hill. I was dragging heading out the door, but felt okay once we got going. I was pretty tired on my Sunday morning run, as well, but I got in 10.5 miles on the bike path / farm loop (69:51) which included a dip in the Mill River and finishing the last mile under 6:00.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Week of June 30 - July 6

Time: 48:14
Distance: 6.5 mi.

Running down the Exit Glacier snowfield

First week in Alaska which was totally fulfilling in every way except running. The first four days canoeing and portaging were very strenuous, I got inspired for a race to try to get into in the future, and then I did basically run down a mountain. The only real run, though, was shy of 7 miles in Fairbanks on Sunday with Brian and Ian.

I'll be in Alaska until Friday, so I'm shooting for 4-5 runs next week. Add my milage total to Jordan's and we cracked 100 this week!