Thursday, October 11, 2007

State Farm Fields

Time: 61:00
Distance: 9 mi.

The somewhat harrowing drive from Zap to Boone

Drove up to Appalachian State to see the race course, about 20 minutes from Zap. The course at State Farm Fields seems quite nice and not too difficult: a few field loops and then a section of trail that winds into the woods a little bit with a moderate hill. Finished up with some strides in spikes. Body feeling good, but not too good. Annoyingly still having some digestion problems.

The open field section of State Farm Fields

Goals for the race: don't be afraid to go after it and hurt, run together, be confident and positive.

From Harlot's Ghost, which I'm currently reading:

I had reached a point where I was ready to live in the maelstrom. I no longer wished to quit. Blessed feeling! Damn the damage! Whatever little futures were being wrecked in me forever were not going to count against this fortification of my ego.

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