Monday, November 12, 2007

Hyde Park Loop

Time: 51:00
Distance: 7.5 mi.

Easy run from the track up in Hyde Park, across IF and back down to campus. It was a pretty nice autumn morning (well, what you'd expect in September in Massachusetts, not November). Finished with 6 strides in spikes on the infield. Belly of right hamstring was pretty tight as well as around the inside hamstring tendon by the back of my knee. Not too bad, and I worked on it in the TR afterwards, which seemed to help.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not have a faux hawk (though I did cut my hair)! I'll leave that kind of stylin' for Jokin.


Jilane said...

i dare you to deny you had hair gel in. intentional or not, there was the start of a faux-hawk...

and in my defense i said "near."

bring it on.

Owen said...

ummm... not sure i want to even dignify this with a response, but i haven't had "hair gel" since high school.

if you think you might be warm during exercise, it's not a bad idea to pour water on your head because it will cool you down as it evaporates. when you live in texas, this becomes a regular practice.

Unknown said...

i want to see some pics of this faux hawk. owen, you better have that shit in good form for nationals. just think of all the photographers that are going to be out there snapping your pic. you don't want to look like a bum. go extra heavy on the gel this time.