Time: 480:30
Distance: 84 mi.
This turned into a bit of a recovery week... just 6 days and one workout. I wasn't very aggressive about this cold, though as I ran close to full days, and thus it is still lingering a week later. Not too worried about training and fitness as I've gotten almost 930 miles in the last 10 weeks.
Hopefully if I focus on good sleep, good nutrition, and keeping hydrated I'll kick this thing for good.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Week In Review
Bastrop State Park
Time: 120:00
Distance: 17.5 mi.
Went out to Bastrop State Park for a change of pace. A few of us went to Kyle's ranch nearby for the night before, which was fun... very Texas, which I really haven't seen from the confines of Austin. Had a pretty big group going 90 and then a few of us tacked on another 30.
The trail was very nice almost everywhere... soft and sandy most of the way, with a few rockier sections. Weren't able to bang it out as it was mostly single file, windy and hilly, which is exactly what Vig wanted. The sand is the right soil for pitch pines which gave the area a very Cape Cod or Goddard Park near-the-ocean look, which I liked. It almost feels like fall... except that it's 90+ and humid.
The cold still lingers somewhat, but seemed somewhat better. Right glute/hip continues to be sore.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
15th, Shoal Creek, IF
Time: 80:00
Distance: 12 mi.
Solo morning run. Woke up still feeling more congested than I'd like... started taking some new cold meds yesterday, hopefully they'll finish this thing off. The first bit I felt very tight and stuffy, but by the time I was on Shoal Creek heading back north it was looking to be a beautiful morning and I perked and loosened up. Just over an hour back to the house/IF, and I did about 2 miles there. Despite this lingering cold, feeling good.
The tailgate scene just south of campus is pretty real. People were already setting up when I ran by this morning at 8am for the Texas vs. Kansas State game this afternoon.
Friday, September 28, 2007
6 Mile Tempo, 300s
Time: 100:00
Distance: 15 mi.
Target: 6 mile tempo on Town Lake in ~5:20 pace; 6 x 300m (50 sec) with 100m rest (25 sec)
Workout: 32:10 (5:22); 6 x 300m all in ~49.5
Overall a good workout, but not feeling quite as good as I wanted to. Having a bit of a hard time breathing on the tempo and some mild stomach issues. We got out very slow (5:45) due to some miscommunications, but we were able to get back on it. Felt good on the 300s back on the track, and it was good to get in spikes for pretty much the first time. It was pretty humid and I was feeling it. Erik, Jake, Habben, Kyle and I ran as a really good pack, though.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Shoal Creek, Town Lake
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13 mi.
Pretty similar to the last two days, a very easy 90 minutes. This is pretty much exactly what I think I should be doing right now. Still feeling congested and not as recovered from the cold as I'd like, so I'm not taxing it too much, but still getting in some volume. Ran from the house with Stanley down to Leo's place, over to Shoal Creek to MoPac, a little bit on Town Lake and then back Trinity, through campus and Hyde Park.
Dehydrated, tired, and still congested.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Town Lake Loop
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13.5 mi.
A bit of a different Wednesday run... ran from the track and just went an easy 90 minutes. I guess this made it a bit easier for everyone to meet and recover from their workout yesterday. Definitely feeling better again today, but still quite congested.
Other stuff:
- It was relatively hot this morning compared to how it has been, but the weather looks quite good in the next week or so.
- Got a "random" UT drug test after the run. Yahoo!
- Had a massage in the evening on my right adductor which had been consistently tight over the last week or so.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Town Lake East
Time: 90:30
Distance: 13 mi.
Back on the horse. Feeling quite a bit better than yesterday morning, though still a bit of the nose-throat head stuffiness remains. Definitely not ready to breathe really hard and do the tough workout that the guys were doing. They did 16 hills at the golf course and then 3 miles on the track just under 4:30 with a full 5:00 recovery. This is similar to a workout that we did last year, and I was sorry to miss it.
Good chat with Vig in the afternoon about the rest of the season. Can't wait for things to start heating up... We'll get to see almost every good team this weekend.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Day Off
One of my rules of thumb for training is that I don't really like planned days off. Taking "planned" days off, for me, discourages taking days off when I really need them. Thus, my rule of thumb for days off also stipulates that I take "unplanned" days off when the time is right.
My mild feelings of a head cold from yesterday have been realized and I've had a headache, congestion, and a bit of a sore throat. Time for a day off. If I feel great tomorrow, I'll do the workout. If not, I won't, which is fine. First day off in almost exactly a month.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Week In Review
Time: 686:30
Distance: 104 mi.
Another very good week with solid volume, strong intensity, and quality recovery. Getting into a pretty good pattern, which is good, because before we know it we'll be in the thick of the season. We should have at least another two weeks at this quality/quantity before backing off somewhat for the North Carolina trip.
Mt. Bonnell, Scenic, Stratford
Time: 120:00
Distance: 19.5 mi.
Middle of Stratford hills (via Vig's phone)
Back to the hills. Ran this harder than a few weeks ago, which it was time to do. Good pace through Mt. Bonnell, Scenic and Stratford and picked it up to finish Town Lake to the I-35 bridge, Trinity and with ~2 miles on the track. Pace for the end ranged from 5:35-6:00 (faster on Town Lake and the track than on Trinity). Didn't feel fantastic (a bit tired), but very controlled despite the decent pace. Rob Wetzel, one of the freshmen who seems like he has a lot of potential and a good head on his shoulders, made it the whole way with us which was good to see.
Starting to feel some head cold symptoms... rest and hydrate.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Scenic, Town Lake
Time: 91:07
Distance: 13.5 mi.
Easy 90, most of it with Brian down Scenic and on Town Lake to where he left his car downtown. A bit dehydrated and we went a little late (left the house around 9:15) so it was hot. Kept the pace easy, though. Starting out my right hip flexor and hamstring were both pretty sore, but they loosened up well.
On Scenic we ran past the filming of "The Sno Cone Stand, Inc." which apparently features Tony Sirico from the Sopranos.
Also, the Brown guys opened up their season at Iona, finishing second behind the hosts. Looked like a decent showing on a slow-ass day.
Schmaloner leads the pack
Friday, September 21, 2007
2 x 4 Mile Tempo, 300s
Time: 97:00
Distance: 15.5 mi.
Target: 2 x 4 mile tempo with 2 min rest on Town Lake, both in 22:00 (5:30s); 6 x 300m with 100m jog in 50
Workout: 21:40, 21:20; 6 x 300m in 47-49
Very good workout... an improvement from the tempo two weeks ago and far better than when we did a similar workout at this time last year (8 miles straight, which turned into the pain train). The first 4 (with most of the guys) felt very relaxed and was still totally under control for the second 4 (with Jake, Habben and Stanley). Had to do a little work to keep us together on the second half, which was definitely worth it as it was very good to finish together.
The track work was also good and controlled. Ran together and felt good to get the legs going. Calves and achilles a little sore afterwards, but nothing serious. Right piriformis/glute also a bit tight throughout.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
IF, Hyde Park
Time: 42:00
Distance: 6 mi.
Easy morning run with Jake and Kyle around IF and then a loop through Hyde Park. Supposed to meet up with a couple more guys, but that didn't materialize. Feeling fine.
New shoes! Another pair of Elite 3s. Definitely due for them.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Town Lake, Greenbelt
Time: 100:00
Distance: 14.5 mi.
Wednesday medium long run on the Greenbelt, though we had to start on Town Lake because it was too dark to see the trail. Nice fun atmosphere out there with the guys and we had a good time splashing around on the trail where the water is still very high. Had a weird and somewhat concentrated soreness on my right shin towards the beginning, but it seemed to subside. Definately time for some new kicks.
Got a hamstring and calf massage in the afternoon which helped release some tightness.
Hancock Golf Course
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Scenic, Enfield, Strides
Time: 80:00
Distance: 12 mi.
Just a morning run, no Tuesday workout this week. Ran 70 minutes with Stanley, Kyle, Habben and Birdsong over Scenic and back on Enfield. Back at the track we did 10 diagonal strides on the infield and I ran about 5 minutes to cool down before heading off to class.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Shoal Creek, Bull Creek
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13.5 mi.
The Shoal Creek trail near Lamar
Morning run with Stanley down through campus and over to Shoal Creek, then up to Bull Creek for a loop there. Ran into Rob and Jay on Shoal Creek and ran with them for a little bit, which was nice. Legs a little dead by the end.
CVS Downtown 5k
My alternate running plan from this 6th year business was the CVS Downtown 5k and hopefully the Ivy League Ekiden trip to Japan for the top Ivy League grads at the race. The race was today, and I was happy to see ex-teammates Pat Tarpy and Jordan Kinley run quite well. Brian Hanley was hurting, but I'm still pretty jealous of his trip back to Providence. Hopefully somehow next year I'll make it there and on the trip.
See results and more photos.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Week In Review
Time: 685:35
Distance: 104.5
The third consecutive week at "exactly" 104.5 miles. That's what happens when you shoot for minutes rather than miles. Overall another great week. Need to get a bit better rest, but other than that have been doing things right. Excited about the team and excited about my own fitness.
Town Lake Loops
Time: 119:30
Distance: 19.5 mi.
A lot of Town Lake this morning
Long run from the track mostly on Town Lake. Got on a decent pace pretty early and by the time we were rolling on Town Lake we were running just about 6 min pace. By an hour we were dipping a little under, but Vig (smartly) told us to back off a little bit. Legs a little bit tired, contributed to by The National show last night, which was my one Austin City Limits indulgence. Having a few digestive issues towards the end, which resulted in pretty serious workout stomach afterwards... first time I've gotten this bad this season, which is a good sign.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
South Congress, Shoal Creek
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13.5 mi.
The view downtown from South Congress
Morning run with Erik through campus and downtown to the South Congress area, back with a little loop on Town Lake, Shoal Creek and finishing at the track to give a hand at the Marathon Kids event. Legs definitely tired and it started getting hot by the time we were done around 10, but definitely made it a good recovery run.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Morris Williams 1ks, Track 300s
Time: 89:00
Distance: 14.5 mi.
Target: 8 x 1k with the first and last quicker and the middle ones about 3:05-07 and 75-90 sec. rest; 6 x 300m in 52 with a quick 100m jog
Workout: 2:55, 3:06, 3:00, 3:05, 3:03, 3:06, 3:04, 2:45 (avg. 3:00) and rest about 80 sec. for all; 52.6, 52.7, 51.5, 52.3, 51.5, 48.5 (avg. 51.5)
Great workout... headed over to Morris Williams to hit 8 x 1k on a relatively flat loop. Felt strong from the get-go and under control the whole way. We're running together as well as (probably better than) we have since I've been at Texas. Very humid, but the cool weather continues, which keeps things bearable. Calves a bit sore after getting 7.5 miles in flats (and doing hills Wednesday) but got them flushed after.
On an unrelated note (unrelated because these things seem to have very little connection to reality, as we went from 5th to unranked to 24th and then finished 7th during the course of last season) we've entered the season ranked 9th.
Town Lake, Greenbelt
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Field Loops
Time: 62:13
Distance: 9 mi.
Easy morning run with Hanley, Dave and Raul. Ran around IF, Handcock Golf Course, and the loop near Central Market. Felt fine. Quads still a little sore.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Morris Williams Hills, Track Tempo
Time: 104:00
Distance: 15.5 mi.
Target: 16 steady to hard hills; 3 mile tempo at 5:05 pace
Workout: 16 hills, 42 down to 34 sec.; 3 miles in 14:55
Unlike yesterday, this was a beautiful morning for a workout. The skies were a little overcast and the temp was a balmy mid-70s. Easy 20 minutes over to Morris Williams to do 16 hills (increase of 4 from last week), which felt decent though I was missing a little bit of "pop" in my legs (probably from running a hilly run yesterday evening). Ran back for 3 miles on the track, and I recovered very quickly from the hills. Five minute pace felt very good, and I was happy to get in flats and work my calves a bit. Definitely a better workout than last week for pretty much everyone. Felt very relaxed.
Got a general massage in the evening, which was nice... some work on hamstrings, IT bands and piriformises.
Time: 87:30
Distance: 13 mi.
Feeling a bit scatterbrained and the run reflected it. Ran somewhat aimlessly northwest over Mt. Bonnell without even really realizing it. Got stuck running back part of the way on 2222, which really sucked. Have sore quads fom Sunday and this didn't help. Found myself missing Rock Creek Park.
We were supposed to work out this morning but Vig called it off due to lightning. We'll get the workout in tomorrow.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Town Lake, Lake Austin, Scenic
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13.5 mi.
Early morning run from the house with Stanley down to Town Lake and then over on Lake Austin to Scenic and back to the house. This loop is nearly EXACTLY 90 minutes at easy run pace.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Week In Review
Time: 701:35
Distance: 104.5
Another very solid week of training. 90 minute runs are feeling pretty good, and starting to get back on the workout train. The team still has a little way to go to really feel like a coherent group, but we're coming around. No significant physical complaints this week. Still could be sleeping and hydrating better.
Mt. Bonnell, Scenic, Stratford
Time: 120:00
Distance: 18.5 mi.
The view from Redbud just before we hit Stratford
A very solid but a little more laid back long run. First time I've done this classic run in a long time. The two hour group was Stan, Jake, Habben, Kyle and me. The pace got going but not until the middle of Scenic, and we put a good effort in over Stratford and on Town Lake where we were on just about 6 min. pace. Finished going all the way to I-35 on the south side of Town Lake and then back to the track to finish with about a mile on the grass on bare feet.
San Marcos Meet
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13 mi.
Went down to San Marcos to watch some of the guys race. Ran around for about 45-50 minutes pretty slow during the race and for some of their cooldown, and then Stanley and I headed to get some more decent running in and finish up our running in one session for the day. Went through a golf course, over a railroad bridge, and through the Guadeloupe river which was high enough to be over the road so we splashed through it. Pretty tired and dehydrated by the end, but glad to have it over, and it was fun to go exploring. I was interested to see how different the environment seems there than in Austin... almost reminded me a bit of the old Brown preseason camp runs.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
4 Mile Tempo, 300s
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13.5 mi.
Target: 4 miles on Town Lake in 21:00; 5 x 300 in 52, 200 in 50
Workout: 21:20; a few pacing issues, but mostly on it
Pretty good workout despite being a little off on the tempo... Paul and Stan were on it about 30 sec. ahead but Brandon, Darren, and Jake all were back a bit. It was VERY humid which contributed to me being in the tank early (especially stomach-wise). Bounced back pretty well for the track stuff though, and felt pretty comfortable for that.
(Posted from my iPhone... wooo!)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Hyde Park, Town Lake
Time: 91:30
Distance: 13.5 mi.
Early morning run with Brian and Dave Burnham from our house, meeting Dave at his place just south of Hyde Park. Ran through campus, down to Town Lake, did one loop, and came back. Nice to have this run, which is pretty good the whole way, be about 4 miles longer than from the old house. We kept the pace pretty chill, which was fine for me.
Now here is some old-school stuff... glad I kept a few old pics around for things like this. Here is Dave and me at the Footlocker Northeast race in 2001... the face of another ex-Ivy guy, Frank Macreery, is unmistakable:
I was thinking of doubling today, but decided not to towards the end of the day as I was tired and hungry. Haven't been sleeping great.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Time: 104:20
Distance: 15 mi.
The water is very high in many areas from a very wet summer in Austin
A pretty slow med-long run on a pretty messy Greenbelt. The effort felt decent, but a combination of parts of the trail being a bit overgrown, flooded or muddy slowed us down. Nice to swim across a few of the sections, though, and the guys who went out on it (Stanley, Harkins, Darren, and Hanley for a bit) all seemed in pretty good spirits. Still very sore and stiff from now a combination of strength work monday and the hills yesterday. Other than that no physical complaints.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Morris Williams Hills, Track Tempo
Time: 90:00
Distance: 14 mi.
Target: 12 steady to hard hills; 2 mile tempo at 5:05 pace
Workout: 12 hills, 40 down to 35 sec.; 2 miles in 9:59 (5:00, 4:59)
The good ole' tuesday morning workout. Ran from the track down to the Morris Williams Golf Course (just about 3 miles), ran 12 hills there, and headed back to the track for 2 miles in just over 5 min pace. Started off feeling pretty stiff and sore from the strength workout yesterday afternoon and only loosened up a little bit. Adducters and hip flexors on both legs are pretty sore, as well as both arms. Other than that I felt pretty good. Most of the guys ran really well together, which was good to see.
Tuesdays are a little tough because I have a 9am class that I need to rush to, so no stretching or therapy right after the workout. I was still feeling sore after class, so I headed back to Moncrief to contrast bath.
Monday, September 3, 2007
West Campus, MoPac, Town Lake
Time: 91:45
Distance: 13 mi.
Stanley, Wilson, Darren and I from our house on Ave B down to West Campus to meet Habben and some of the freshmen. Headed down MoPac for a loop on Town Lake and back up to their house off Shoal Creek on MLK. Everyone seemed pretty stiff leaving our house and the first mile or so was a shuffle. After that I loosened up some, but my quads are pretty sore particularly up on my hip flexors. Close to 80 mins I also started to get some pinpoint soreness along the base of the vastus lateralis part of the quad.
Shooting for another relatively high milage week.
Went to DL-8 for strength in the afternoon. That workout will make me sore for sure... little ways to go on hip, core, arm strength.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Week In Review
Time: 689:00
Distance: 104.5
The University of Texas
Great to be back in Austin and have really been happy to be training with some of the guys and be in our new place. It has taken a little bit of time to get used to running a bit faster and more focused... some general aches and pains but nothing to complain about. This is the highest milage week I think I've ever done.
Long Town Lake
Time: 123:28
Distance: 20 mi.
The 1-mile bridge on Town Lake
First long run back with the team, and the Texas XC long run is something to get used to. Started out easy, but within a few miles we were running close to 6:00 pace. Hit 10 miles out in ~64:50 and thus made it back just under an hour. The two hour group was Stanley, Darren, Kyle, Jake and freshman Rob Wetzel. Supposed to really run the last 4 miles, and we were 5:57, 6:00, 5:49, 5:45. Overall felt okay, but was pretty beat by the end. No workout stomach, which was nice as it usually comes up on the first few runs like this. Some back/hips/hamstring tightness, particularly on the left side.
Incidentally, Town Lake is now officially called Lady Bird Lake, but I'm sure no one will call it that for a while...
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Town Lake, Lake Austin, Scenic
Time: 90:00
Distance: 13.5 mi.
Dam at the end of Lake Austin near the end of Scenic Dr.
Morning run with Stanley from the house. Headed south through Hyde Park and campus down to Town Lake, over to Lake Austin Bvd. and then back on Scenic. Started off pretty chill which was okay because I had run hard less than 12 hours ago and was pretty tired.
Post-run pool is amazing. Have been doing some very light water jogging for a few minutes after a few runs that I've finished at home.
Baylor Twilight Invitational
Time: 55:00
Distance: 8.5 mi.
Target: "Don't hurt yourself."
Workout: 6k (3.73 mi.) in 19:00 (3:10 per 1k, 5:05 per mile)
Headed up to Baylor in the afternoon for the first "meet" of the season with a bunch of the guys who have already taken a season off. After a lightning delay we were finally able to start warming up at about 7:45 for what was now an 8:15ish race. The course was 2k loops on an intramural field, and by the time we were running they had to put the lights on, which was a little bit surreal. Felt okay running about tempo pace, but my stomach acted up a little bit (probably due to some food pre-run). Ran with Darren a good bit of the way (until he kicked), Jake and Kyle went after it a bit from the get-go and Wilson and Harkins were a bit back. Didn't get home until pretty late, and I was pretty beat.
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